When looking for the right lubricant, a person may want to consider whether they will be using a condom. Olive oil has the potential to dissolve latex condoms, which can increase the risk of infection and unintended pregnancy.
Due to this, it is not advisable to use olive oil as a sexual lubricant.
In this article, we discuss the safety implications of using olive oil as a sexual lubricant. We also list some alternatives to consider.
Olive oil is a thick, smooth liquid, and people can technically use any liquid or gel as a sexual lubricant. However, some options — including olive oil — may not be ideal.
People should avoid using olive oil because it can damage latex condoms and dental dams. This damage can cause these items to tear or break, increasing the likelihood of a person getting pregnant or contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI).
Olive oil can also clog the pores in the skin. Clogged pores can cause breakouts or irritation, which may lead to infections inside or near the vagina and anus.
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